#trendsetters (Thursday)

Academy of Music Theatre (274 Main Street, Northampton MA 01060)


Alegria Dance and Fitness presents the 7th annual end of year performance #Trendsetters.

A trendsetter is a broad term for an individual or entity that leads the pack in creative ideas, fashionable sense, musical genius, philosophy or quite simply always has their finger on the pulse of what’s new and exciting….often before it is officially #trending, being followed or being replicated. This year’s production taps into topics that are popular on social media, how social media and technology can be an asset and a hinderance to our daily life, as well as exploring the fun side of the #Hashtag generation.

All tickets will be $16 on the day of the show.

Show Date/ Time:
Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 7:00 pm
Doors at 6:30 pm

Ticket Prices:
$12.00 - $16.00

Where/ How Tickets Can be Purchased:
Academy of Music Box Office Open Tuesday- Friday 3:00PM-6:00PM
Call: 413-584-9032 ext.105 (Service fees will apply with purchase)

Online Tickets Click on Show Desired: