SSW A'19 Class Gift Fundraiser at The Dirty Truth

The Dirty Truth (29 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060)

Photo By Lynne Graves
Food/Drink + Other

The Smith School for Social Work Class of A'19 invites you out on the town to support our class gift fundraiser. The Dirty Truth, a local restaurant and bar, is donating 10% of the proceeds from all food and drink sales on Thursday, July 25. Stop by anytime from open (4pm) to 11pm and enjoy a delicious meal or toast the class of A'19. Bring any friends, family, fellow students, faculty, and staff! It will remain open to the public throughout the evening. If you plan to order beer or wine, Massachusetts law requires a Massachusetts photo ID, or if you have an out-of-state ID, two forms of photo ID, or one photo ID and two forms of ID with just your name (like a credit or debit card).We are purchasing a limited number of non-alcoholic beverages for our SSW guests who don't order beer or wine, and we are committed to making this event fully accessible. Please be in touch with Lea at and Jenn at with any questions or concerns. Another important SSW event is happening Thursday evening: The film "Lifting the Mask" will be showing with a following panel discussion from 6 to 8pm, in Seelye 201. Come by The Dirty Truth to celebrate before or after the film!