Reclaim Power from the Past… heal PTSD

Ascendance Inner World Arts, 192 Pine St., Florence, MA (192 Pine St, Florence MA 01062)


This is a technique that everyone should have. It is used to separate charge from memory. What will that do for you? If you have trauma, PTSD or are still upset about something that happened in the past, this will help you get to the next place quicker than just about anything I know. We can’t change the fact that something happened but we can remove the charge that we feel from it so then it just becomes a memory …not something that causes current day upset. One of the great problems with that charge is that when anything similar shows something our lives, it make it more much more upsetting than it needs to be because it’s got all that extra charge piled on top! Let’s fix that! In this three hour class, you will not only learn the technique itself, but have an opportunity to begin clearing memories right away so you can have a happier and more relaxed future. I’m charging sliding scale $50-$100 cash at the door. If you are not able to afford the fee, please speak to me in advance about exchange and barter. Everyone who feels they need to be there, can be there. You do not have to pay in advance, but please send an email to confirm your space. It looks like the workshop will fill up quickly. Virtual tickets are available if you can not attend that night.

Sylvia Brallier has been offering her potent teachings for healing and self mastery since 1987 here in the pioneer valley and around the world. She is the author of several books and has a profound interest in helping people have greater peace, ease and emotional comfort in their lives as they move forward towards their dreams.