High school teens, practice your slam skills at this open mic!
If you attended the poetry slam workshop at the Forbes Library or are just eager to practice for the big Academy Regional Youth Poetry Slam, this event is for you! Come practice performing your poems at the Boutelle Day Poetry Center. Invite friends and family to cheer you on! Snacks provided!
Show Date/Time:
Friday, November 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm through 7:00 pm
Doors at 4:30 pm
Ticket Prices:
FREE - Use the blue button to reserve tickets online only.
Where/ How Tickets Can be Purchased:
Purchase online using the button on the top right (scroll to the bottom of the page if using mobile), or you may visit or call our box office at 413-584-9032 ext.105.
Box Office Hours are 3pm - 6pm, Tuesday - Friday. Service fees always apply with purchase.