Music at The Crossroads "Becoming Sanctuary for Each Other"

Edwards Church 297 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 (297 Main St, Northampton MA 01060)


Music at The Crossroads 

December 17, 2012

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm


This year our Advent performance will continue the theme of Becoming Sanctuary for Each Other, a message we feel is needed now more than ever. It has been two long difficult years since being with you in the sanctuary where we have lit the light of courage and hope in our hearts for each other. David Kidwell, Carla Bee, Sarah Briggs, Jonas and I so look forward to reading, playing and singing to you as we make our way along the night-road of Advent. Tell a friend, bring a friend. Let us bring the lights of our hearts as the Wise Men are doing right now! The concert is free but donations will be collected in the sanctuary or sent to the church to support Cathedral in The Night.


In-person attendance for Music at the Crossroads will be capped at 65 people. Because of this pre-registration is required. Please email or call (413) 584-5500 by December 7th by noon to register. A confirmation email will be sent to the first 65 people, so the sooner you get in contact the better! For those who cannot attend in person, the event will be streamed on our YouTube Channel. For YouTube access please click