Learn to Play the Pipe Organ!

St. John's Episcopal Church, Northampton (Northampton, MA 01060)

Photo By Lynne Graves

The Springfield Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) is pleased to offer another of its wildly successful “Introduction to the Pipe Organ for Pianists” workshops.  If you are a piano player who feels mystified or intimidated by all of the buttons and keys and gizmos on a pipe organ, this event is for you! Come experience a hands-on workshop that will have you playing on keyboards and 32 pedals! Our professional instructors will give you the basic information needed to help launch your new interest as an organist! The event is free.  Refreshments will be provided. For more information, please visit our website http://agospringfieldma.org . To register, please send an email with your name, contact phone number, and approximate level of piano skill to agospringfieldma@gmail.com.  We will contact you to confirm registration.