Kalliope Jones w/ Hazel Foucault at The Iron Horse on Friday, April 11 2025
KALLIOPE JONES2025"For a delicious musical treat: Take three young [people], pour in a liberal sense of adept musical timing, add hooks sharp enough to catch fish and fold in voices that go together like chocolateand peanut butter you will have the recipe for Kalliope Jones."- Tommy Byrnes, Upper Valley Music FestivalKalliope Jones is effortlessly electric and, at its core, a deep friendship. For over a decade, Lou Batteau (drums), Wes Chalfant (bass), and Isabella DeHerdt (guitar) have delivered indie folk to their devoted community in Western Massachusetts. Kalliope Jones’ new post-rock energy–which bumped Batteau to the front on guitar and synth and brought in Dov Plotkin ondrums–exhibits a more sophisticated soundscape. The band precisely bendsgender-genre-genius from alternative indie and folk rock to, one might dare say, punk. Kalliope Jones’ candid and clever lyrics will pierce your skin, imbuing your bloodstream with a healthy dose of emotional variation. Toss in Wes’ hooky Liz Phair-esque bass lines, Isabella’s storytelling guitar, and Lou’s edgy synth accents inspired by the likes of Illuminati Hotties andSidney Gish. Eyeball a splash of Dov’s driving drums. The result is a delicious amalgamation of original, eclectic, and transcendental vulnerability.
Through confession and collaboration, the band has made its way to the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, the Iron Horse Music Hall, the Wolftrap Center for Performing Arts, Club Passim, andmost recently, Dar Williams’ River Roads Festival, where Kalliope Jones played alongside the likes of Amy Ray, Shawn Colvin, and Lisa Loeb.Kalliope Jones has been sonically compared to Annie DiRusso, HAIM, and boygenius, but continues to build new bridges across musical boundaries. Kalliope Jones’ ever-heighteninganti-solipsistic sophistication is imbued with emotional honesty and multifarious storytelling.INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kalliopejonesband/FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kalliopejones/TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@kalliopejonesbandWEBSITE: www.kalliopejones.comYOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@kalliopejonesband