A.P.E Gallery (126 Main Street, Northampton MA 01060)

Art + Entertainment + Music
WHAT: Terry Jenoure: Great Expectations Pasqualina Azzarello: Sender/Receiver: Our Infinite Atmospheres WHEN: June 6-30, 2019 Artists' Reception: Friday, June 14: 5-8 pm WHERE: APE Arts,126 Main St, Northampton, MA 01060 Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 12-5, Friday 12-8, Closed Monday Terry Jenoure great expectations is a series of handmade doll sculptures, paper dolls and illustrations. They are inspired by letters written to my grandmother when she arrived in New York from Jamaica in the early part of the 20th century. Whether built into the figures, or more abstractly referenced, these letters from my great-grandmother and other ancestors are central and express their excitement, concerns, caution, but ultimately their hope for her success in the new world. BIO Terry Jenoure was born and raised in the South Bronx, New York into a Puerto Rican and Jamaican family. Self-taught as a visual artist, she has exhibited at the London Bienelle, in Germany, Cameroon, Italy, Brussels, and the U.S. and her doll sculptures are featured at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC. A professional violinist, vocalist, composer and educator, she has recorded, performed and lectured throughout five continents integrating the many aspects of her expression. Her academic publications are in the areas of Arts-Based Research and Cultural Identity, and she has a recently completed her first novel. Holding Masters and Doctoral degrees in Education and a B.A. degree in Philosophy, Terry was on the graduate faculty at Lesley University for 18 years, and has served as the Director of Augusta Savage Gallery at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for close to three decades. Pasqualina Azzarello Sender/Receiver: Our Infinite Atmospheres is a series of paintings that explores radical self-acceptance and transformative change. Each one is made with water-based media and utilizes direct and reflective mark-making to create human forms that represent, embody, and inhabit the interface of psychological and physiological healing. In its entirety, the series consists of 200+ works and continues to grow. BIO Pasqualina Azzarello is a painter, public muralist, educator, and community advocate. Working within grassroots, nonprofit, and academic channels, she works with others to cultivate generative spaces, initiatives, and partnerships that are innovative, collaborative, and inclusive of all participants. Throughout her unique professional path, each experience has been driven by core values including a profound belief in the creative potential of individuals and communities. Pasqualina serves as City Arts Coordinator at Easthampton City Arts in Easthampton, Massachusetts and is also a part-time faculty member at Parsons / The New School in New York City. http://www.pasqualinaazzarello.com/