Photo By Lynne Graves
Art + Entertainment + Music
THE SCHOOL FOR CONTEMPORARY DANCE & THOUGHT PRESENTS Hatchery Teen Dance Company's world premiere: ON THE BRINK Celebrating a year of creative connections, resilience, and endurance during covid! Please join us for our spring dance performance CELEBRATION! Two days, Zoom and live events. SATURDAY, MAY 15 AT 7PM EASTERN ONLINE WITH ZOOM - Join us from your living rooms! Grandparents mandatory! BUY TICKETS >>> SUNDAY, MAY 16 AT 2PM EASTERN LIVE & IN-PERSON AT CHILD'S PARK, NORTHAMPTON, MA - Bring your own blankets, chairs, snacks, and water! Masks and social distancing required! **PLEASE NOTE: No restroom facilities at the park. Rain date: May 17 at 6pm. BUY TICKETS >>> Works by company members HIGHLIGHTING our 8 outgoing seniors. PLUS new works by professional guest artists Sade Murray (Brooklyn), Kalpana Devi with One Earth DanceDrum Co. (Amherst), and Co-Directors Kate Martel and Jen Polins. Celebrate our amazing YOUTH! • Celebrate LIVE PERFORMANCE ART! • Support SCDT!​ TICKETS: Sliding scale $15 - $20 MAY 15 ONLINE PERFORMANCE - BUY TICKETS >>> ​MAY 16 IN-PERSON PERFORMANCE - BUY TICKETS >>> This project is funded in part by the Northampton and Mass Cultural Councils ​ABOUT SCDT THE SCHOOL FOR CONTEMPORARY DANCE & THOUGHT (SCDT) is comprised of independent, internationally experienced teaching artists who embrace multiplicity, arouse curiosity, and emphasize personal choice. Central to SCDT's mission is an abiding respect for the traditions, histories, and evolution of dance and performance with the directive to continue challenging established ideals. SCDT serves as a hub by maintaining space for process-based art that connects local and international communities. SCDT offers adult and youth programming in dance training that includes modern, ballet, and improvisational techniques. The school creates a space for the creative process by regularly curating performances and workshops with established international performance practitioners. SCDT works collaboratively with the Five College Dance department, Middlebury College Dance, and APE and the Northampton Community Arts Trust. SCDT welcomes humans from all communities, including those of every race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and ability. We believe that diversity creates a world we want to live in, and encourage you, whoever you are, to join us in creating a space for movement, feeling, thought, and intention. ABOUT HATCHERY Hatchery is more than a company, it's a family, and a safe, dynamic environment where teens experience what it's like to be part of an inclusive performing arts community. ​SCDT's Hatchery Dance Company is an experimental, movement based teen performance company for young artists ages 13-18. Unique in the Pioneer Valley, Hatchery offers training in contemporary dance forms such as Modern, Improvisation, Contemporary Ballet, African Diaspora forms, Composition and Dance Production. Furthermore, Hatchery offers opportunities for teens to work closely with internationally acclaimed guest artists to create choreographic works or simply to take class. Hatchery was founded in 2015, in recognition of the need to provide intermediate and advanced level young dancers and performance artists with opportunity for performance without competition. Teen artists are offered opportunities in diverse styles of dance and performance art that challenge their abilities, while inviting their own creative process to emerge. It is our commitment to recognize that each young artist brings their own unique artistic integrity to the company. Each artist not only feels valued, but is valued. LEARN MORE >>>