Elsewhere Shakespeare - Macbeth @ Progression Brewing Co.

Progression Brewing. 9 Pearl St, Northampton, MA 01060 (9 Pearl St, Northampton MA 01060)


Elsewhere Shakespeare utilizes the DIY ethos of the punk scene, supplemented with elements of Shakespeare’s original staging practices, to produce universally-accessible, high energy stagings of Shakespeare’s plays. We cut scripts to 90 minutes without intermission to keep the audience engaged, use minimal props, costumes and sets, and focus on the connection between the actors and the audience. We believe that the closest modern analogue to the experience of seeing Shakespeare performed at the Globe in the 17th century is seeing a punk band play live in the 21st century. Our shows are always admission-free and staged in convenient locations to create a space where people of all backgrounds can participate in the theatre experience.

Make sure to get in early for a seat and a bite to eat!