Choro Noho

Helen Hills Hills Chapel, 123-125 Elm Street , Northampton MA 01063 (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063)

Entertainment + Music

If you are new to the Brazilian musical style called "choro" ("show-roo"), you are in for a treat. The genre began to take shape in mid-19th century Rio de Janeiro, where the music of the Portuguese court met that of Afro-Brazilians. Here in the US, a similar process gave us first ragtime, then jazz, and just as these genres are seen as prototypically “American”, so too is choro recognized as uniquely, exquisitely Brazilian.

Every year, Choro Camp New England brings chorões (that is, people who play choro) to the campus of Smith College for a week of study and jamming with masters of the genre. Choro Noho is the grand finale of Choro Camp and features all the artists teaching at it, including Anat Cohen, João Camarero, Morgana Morena, Ian Coury and many more. These artists have never come together in one place before — and likely never will again! So come treat yourself to a one-time-only performance of Brazilian choro at its best.