Join us in celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in this day-long, virtual gathering that will include a historic tour, a convocation with panelists and a keynote speaker, community workshops, and opportunities to get involved in social justice work.
Given our divisive socio-political environment, the impact of the pandemic, the progress achieved by the Black Lives Matter movement, and in honor of Dr. King’s common refrain, we want to focus our program on the theme of ‘Uniting the Beloved Community’. We seek to explore the connections between Dr. King’s legacy and unite the community around the concrete steps we can and need to take to sustain our fight for civil rights and eradicate the three intersectional evils of systemic racism, poverty, and war.
The event is free and open to all! To join the tour and the convocation, just click on the link above on MLK Day.
Download our full program here (subject to small changes):