Smith College

Founded in 1871, Smith College opened in 1875 with 14 students. Today, Smith is among the largest women’s colleges in the United States, with students from 48 states and 68 countries. An independent, nondenominational college, Smith remains strongly committed to the education of women at the undergraduate level, but admits both men and women as graduate students.
Check Out These Upcoming Events:

Opening Reception: Logan Dandridge: Antiphony
Oresman Gallery, Hillyer Hall, 22 Elm St (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

Audible Loss: New Music and the Crisis of Memory: A Book Release Event
Carroll Room, Smith College Campus Center, 100 Elm St (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

19-Piece Compaq Big Band w/ Vocalist Bella Holtz & Smith College Jazz Ensemble in *FREE* 'Big Band Anniversary Bash' Concert
Sweeney Concert Hall | Sage Hall | Smith College | 144 Green Street | Northampton, MA (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

Senior Dance Concert
Hallie Flanagan Studio Theatre (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

Piano Lecture-Recital: Robert and Clara Schumann through Kreisleriana
Sweeney Concert Hall, 144 Green St, Northampton, MA (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

Lost Loves and Lost Lands with Katherine Saik DeLugan, mezzo soprano
Sweeney Concert Hall, 144 Green St, Northampton, MA (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

Five College WORD! Fest
Acting Studio 1 (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

Jazz Ensemble Spring Concert: 25th Anniversary Celebration
Smith College Campus Center Carroll Room (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US

Spring Student Art Sale
Hillyer Hall Auditorium, 22 Elm St (10 Elm St., Northampton MA 01063) 10 Elm St. Northampton 01063 MA US