BOMBYX Center for Arts & Equity

BOMBYX is a non-profit organization established to steward the property at 130 Pine Street, in Florence, Massachusetts - a historic gathering place founded by abolitionists who championed anti-slavery, gender equity, and religious tolerance. Carrying these values forward, we serve our community as a venue for transformative arts experiences, spiritual growth, and challenging conversations.
The name Bombyx references the silk moth (bombyx mori) imported to the region in the first half of the 19th century - a profound rejection of southern cotton and the global economic power of slavery.
Many local residents are unaware of the town's activist history. Frederick Douglas gave speeches under that original pine, as did William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips. Sojourner Truth and David Ruggles lived within walking distance and were active in the region for many years.
We are excited to knit together our global music offerings with the town's deep history, creating an incubator for challenging conversations, spiritual growth, and transformative arts experiences. Issues of equity span time and geography. Our work is the next chapter in an already long history of bold, creative thinking.
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Mames Babegenush
BOMBYX Center for Arts & Equity (130 Pine Street, Florence MA) 130 Pine St Florence 01062 MA US